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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ielts Tips - Enhancing Vocubulary

Ielts Tips - Vocabulary 
Another way to improvise on the Vocabulary
Understanding the context of the word being used in a sentence can help you outline the suitable synonyms for the same word
The government has stipulated conditions for entry of emigrants into the country
Here stipulate means: to lay down, specify, indicate
But stipulate can also mean: requires
The time stipulates a timely action
Also: to ‘guarantee’
The bank stipulated to release all property

Similarly when we look at the meanings of stipulate as
Lay down
The authorities laid down guidelines for entry of migrants into the country
The guidelines specify qualification parameters quite explicitly
The state guarantees safety to people of the country

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Ielts preparation Tips - enhancing Ielts English linguistic skills

For enhancing English linguistic skills
Started with reading Newspaper editorials and then graduating to reading magazines and trying to grab the technical terminology, but then not forget the right grammatical usage of the each word. It is not necessary for all synonyms to be applied similarly. The best way is to make short sentences to learn about the usage of the words. Remember a little hard work with focus would fetch good rewards.
For e.g. we take a word Plan
  • The government is planning to take stern action against the tax evaders
    • Here plan is a verb used in continuous form
  • Government has prepared a plan for taking stern action against tax evaders
    • Here plan is a noun and just look at how the usage of take has also changed
It is vital that you also understand the usage of words besides expanding your vocabulary.

Friday, December 21, 2012

IELTS EXAM preparations - Vocabulary expansion some tips- II

Ielts Exam Vocabulary expansion some tips

Basics to expansion of vocabulary
  • Read
  • Understand
  • Expand
  • Try to generalize
  • Explore synonyms
  • Learn the applicability of Synonyms  
  • Apply those synonyms
  • Learn the autonyms

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ielts Exam Vocabulary expansion some tips

Ielts Practical tips on vocabulary expansion
When once you have decided to migrate to an English speaking country you are going to be presented with a very tricky and tough challenge of going through the English Language certification examination “The IELTS”.

The biggest problem that aspirants come across is  having a limited knowledge of vocabulary. Over the years while being on job and dedicatedly working hard to make both ends meet we often do not get time to interact with this language and suddenly coming face with desperate need to expand the interactive capabilities in this language because we need to write the Ielts test makes us desperate and we end up using all kinds of desperate measures to enhance our bank of words.
But tell me one thing, “Are These helpful in anyway?”
No, naturally no because simply grabbing words serve would not serve your purpose and expand your vocabulary. This situation can be easily compared to owning a gun, but not knowing how to take and aim and fire. Simply learning on how to pull a    trigger is also not going to be help.
What you need to learn is how to take aim, so that you hit then bull’s eye. There is no room for a little deviation in the department of language. A small deviation and wrong use of language will mean a misinterpretation of facts and expression and this can land you in soup when it comes to IELTS test. It has a bearing in all departments of linguistic abilities.
So then how can you progress in this domain? Reading, reading, reading and reading is the solution. Try to understand the context of the text and grab the essence of the word being used in the sentence. Pick that word up and try to implement in your own sentence. Practical us of the word will help you pick up the meanings and use them more effectively.
What sources should we pursue to expand our practical vocabulary? EDITORIALS on a Newspaper are quite helpful and most desirable. Printed current news column are helpful only to certain extent as printed current news often use mutilated forms and of word to serve local purpose and doesn’t really imply perfect global meaning.
To be contd…